Maybe this is a good idea to remove an entry point to their network?
Author: Jared Clarke
Nice Quote!
It’s worrisome that companies are having so much difficulty with organizations like LulzSec. If you can’t defend against that kind of an attack then you’re not going to do any better with, say, industrial espionage, or a more dedicated hackerContinue reading… Nice Quote!
See if your password may have been compromised
This site will tell you if an email address you used has been compromised based on the recent database dumps by hackers.
Google warns Chinese attack on Gmail has snared hundreds of accounts
Google warns Chinese attack on Gmail has snared hundreds of accounts Read more:
HTC ends locked bootloader policy
HTC has won me over as a customer for life with this change. Hope other OEM’s are listening to this.
Social networking behind the corporate firewall increases 500%, creates big vulnerabilities
Enterprise security and firewall company Palo Alto Networks on Wednesday released the results of an eight-month study of more than 1,200 organizations and 2 million users that observed more than 28 exabytes of data passing through corporate networks
DIY crimekit brings advanced malware to Mac OSX
New DIY Malware kit for MAC. They claim IPAD and linux are next.
Hackers Breach Second Sony Service
Sony continues to be under attack from hackers. 24.6 million records more stolen.
Sony: Hacker stole PlayStation users’ personal info
I sure hope XBOX has stared looking an their security and take note after this incident! Also it should be noted they gained access by targeting a system administrator at Sony. IT professionals need to make sure they do not becomeContinue reading… Sony: Hacker stole PlayStation users’ personal info
PlayStation Network taken down to halt piracy?
Sony moves to stop hackers from download PSN content for free, claims report